
Alphabetical order

  • Communication Circular Economy


    The term “market remittance” (or Re-marketing) refers to all strategies for the reintegration, in the market and in primary and secondary channels, of products that have undergone one or more processes related to the Circular Economy and must be resold.

  • Circular Economy


    Remanufacture is one of the strategies contained within the R-strategies framework.

    The purpose of this action is to bring the product back to the original conditions of use, by replacing parts and components no longer usable product itself.

  • Circular Economy


    Refuse is one of the strategies contained within the R-strategies framework.

    The purpose of this action is to avoid incorrect use of the product, reloading instead the same use with a different product.

    An example of this is multifunctional products.

  • Circular Economy


    Reduce is one of the strategies contained within the R-strategies framework.

    The objective of this action is to think about more efficient production or consumption methods, which imply less use of raw materials, processed materials and energy.

  • Circular Economy


    Recycle is one of the strategies contained within the R-strategist framework.

    The purpose of the actions related to recycling is to recover the value of the materials present in the product, which for various aspects such as regulatory or dysfunction, are destined to become waste and be disposed of.

  • Communication Circular Economy

    Repair Café

    A Repair Café is a community-based initiative, where people share their experience and skills, on a voluntary basis, to other individuals and are places where people gather to repair household items, electronics and other everyday objects.

    Overall, the Repair Café is a great way to promote sustainability by reducing waste and encouraging reuse and recycling.


  • Certifications

    ReMade in Italy

    Remade In Italy is the voluntary environmental product certification, born in Italy, to indicate the production of Italian products regenerated, repaired or renewed from waste materials or unused products, in order to reduce environmental impact and promote sustainability.

    Remade in Italy is therefore an example of Circular Economy, which promotes the rethinking of the traditional linear economic model, favoring instead the creation of a system in which reuse and recycling are considered an added value and not a cost.

  • Circular Economy

    Reverse Logistics

    Reverse logistics is the process of backward planning of material flows, from the point of consumption to the point of origin, in order to recover value or ensure proper disposal or recycling of products, materials or waste.

    Unlike traditional logistics, which deals with the transport of products from the producer to the final consumer, reverse logistics manages the movement of used products, defective or no longer necessary from the point of end of life, for their recycling, repair and reuse.

    In a circular economy, where products and materials are designed to be reused and recycled, reverse logistics allows the recovery of useful materials and products that would otherwise have been lost, creating new business and recycling opportunities.

    Reverse logistics is a key element of environmental sustainability and can bring many benefits to the companies that implement it, including reducing costs and increasing efficiency, as well as creating a competitive advantage in the market.

  • Circular Economy

    Renewable Energy

    Renewable energies are those sources of energy that regenerate naturally over time and do not run out, such as the sun, wind, water, biomass and geothermal energy, and can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and limit climate change.

    These energy sources are becoming increasingly important globally, as they represent a sustainable alternative to non-renewable energy sources, such as oil, gas and coal, that are finite and produce greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change.

    Renewable energies can be used to produce electricity, heating, cooling and transport.

    Among the technologies used for the production of renewable energy are photovoltaic solar panels for the production of solar energy, wind turbines for the production of wind energy, hydroelectric power plants for the production of hydroelectric power and geothermal systems for the production of geothermal energy.