Circular Resource Procurement

With Circular Resource Procurement you find, test and replace virgin matter with waste, recovered matter, secondary matter and by-products
  • Increases the percentage content of recovered material in finished products
  • Meet regulatory standards for competitive advantages
  • Get tax relief on the management of recovered or secondary materials
  • Outperform the competition in a market increasingly focused on sustainability
  • Protect your supply chains: recovered materials will be sourced domestically

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    What is Circular Resource Procurement?

    The search for alternative materials to obtain products with recovered material follows a process and detail of supplier research, analysis, samples and tests on which companies often lack support.

    This activity, conducted by Sfridoo’s team of technicians, allows you to identify recovered raw materials (by-products, EoW, Mps) to be introduced into the production process according to the principles of circular economy, economic and environmental sustainability.

    Benefits for the company with the Circular Resource Procurement

    The search for recovered material, by-products, second raw material, EoW, is one of the most extraordinary and strategic tools to compete in an ever-changing market.

    Making one’s products more sustainable is crucial in the marketplace and for obtaining scores in tenders and tax breaks.

    • Get tax relief on the management of recovered or second-hand material
    • Improve your company’s green image
    • Outperform the competition in an increasingly sustainability-conscious market

    For whom is the service

    Circular Resorce Procurement is a consultancy service for micro-enterprises, SMEs, start-ups and large corporate groups.

    The purpose of the service is to search for secondary materials or by-products to be included within already established and well-structured production processes.

    How Circular Resource Procurement

    • PHASE 1

      Process analysis

      • Company inspection
      • Analysis of the production process
      • Identification of raw materials used
    • PHASE 2

      Transfer of know-how

      • Technical/scientific communication resulting from elaboration and critical analysis in the literature
      • Retrieval of test matrices nationwide
      • Commercial development
    • PHASE 3

      Technical Support

      • Technical support
      • Regulatory support
      • Administrative alignment

    Benefits of Circular Resource Procurement

    sfridoo come funziona

    More sustainable products

    Increase the percentage content of recovered material within your finished products to attract new customers.

    Regulatory Alignment

    It meets CAM (Minimum Environmental Criteria) and GPP (Green Public Procurement) regulatory standards.

    Supply Chains

    Protect your supply chains, including materials recovered from partners operating domestically.

    Case studies

    sfrido legno

    The most virtuous case studies of companies that have reaped the benefits
    of Circular Resource Procurement

    • Case study Chimico

      Sostituzione materie prime nel settore della gomma

      Il progetto affidato a Sfrido prevedeva l’analisi di materia di recupero nel settore della gomma, con lo scopo dell’azienda di verificare la possibilità di sostituire o integrare nel proprio processo produttivo questa materia da inserire nei processi come nuovo elemento per i prodotti dell’azienda.

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    • Case study Edilizia

      Integrazione di nuova materia seconda nel settore della gomma

      Il progetto affidato a Sfrido prevedeva l’analisi di materia di recupero nel settore della gomma, con lo scopo dell’azienda di verificare la possibilità di sostituire o integrare nel proprio processo produttivo questa materia da inserire nei processi come nuovo elemento per i prodotti dell’azienda.

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    Do you want to find and purchase the correct recovery material for your industrial production?

    With Circular Resource Procurement you immediately obtain the correct
    recoverymaterial for your process, gaining fiscal, environmental
    and competitive benefits, thanks to the Circular Economy