140% economic benefit on pasta scraps

A major egg pasta production company requested Sfridoo’s support for the valorisation of its production scraps, managing to use it partly for animal feed and partly for energy production.

The company’s aim was to verify the possibility of valorising its organic waste by evaluating the market and sales opportunities, instead of keep on managing it as waste with high management costs.

What were the results achieved?

  1. Thanks to Sfridoo’s technicians activities, the company was able to allocate its waste to both the feed chain and biogas plants.

  2. The company was able to classify its waste as a by-product and ex-food product, thus eliminating its organic waste production on the annual accounts.

  3. With the support of Sfridoo’s expert team, the company optimised its production process and managed to obtain revenue from the sale of organic waste.

  4. The difference between the operation’s costs and revenues allowed the company to generate an economic benefit of 111%, making its business even more profitable and reducing its economic and environmental impact.

Become the next success story

With Sfridoo® and its team of espertз you embark on a customised path
of valorising your industrial waste, reaping important benefits
economic, fiscal, competitive and environmental benefits.

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