Identifying by-products in the agro-food industry

The project entrusted to Sfridoo involved the creation of by-product data sheets for two of them that the company already marketed.

Two Sfridoo technicians and three company representatives componed the working team, besides two legal advisors specialised in environmental risk management.

The company’s aim was to reduce the possibility of contestation of the sub-product’s qualification requirements (Art. 184 bis TUA Legislative Decree 152/06) as well as to verify and implement the existing management model.

Project phases

The project consisted of the following activities:

  • inspection of the plant: production, collection, storage and organisation of transport;
  • collection and analysis of technical information: safety by-product data sheets on raw materials used in the process, biological analyses, energy potential tests and end-user master data;
  • analysis of the destination production processes in relation to the requirement of “conformity of use” of by-products;
  • three technical discussion meetings with technical, commercial and legal/environmental staff;
  • definition of the two technical data sheets in accordance with Ministerial Decree 264/16;
  • review of commercial contracts.

What were the results obtained?

  1. Thanks to Sfridoo’s comprehensive service, the company prepared the technical documentation proving the existence of the requirements for the qualification of residues as By-products, i.e., a technical dossier useful for probabilistic verification, in full compliance with environmental regulations.

  2. The activity of preparing the dossiers, in defining the contents to demonstrate the requirements of Article 184-bis, allowed us to define some activities of the management system of By-products, with particular reference to some shrewdness in the phases of collection and transport to destination of the By-products.

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